ITS will be updating the security software deployed to managed workstations on November 16. It will display the new product name and logo Spirion.
Identify Finder is a software security product that ITS has historically deployed on all managed workstations. This tool improves UConn’s security posture by locating confidential data, such as credit card and social security numbers, on individual computers and helps our community comply with the Confidential Data policy. Through a series of decisions made in response to conflicts between our generic software deployment tools, the Identify Finder console, and other software products, Identify Finder has remained at a point-in-time version on existing deployments and is missing from many new deployments. To reconcile this inconsistency on managed workstations, ITS will be installing/upgrading a consistent and current version of the software, which has been rebranded as Spirion by our provider. On Thursday, November 16, the new name and icon will appear on all managed workstations. These changes will likely be noticed, and if questions arise, please assuage your constituents’ concerns and inform them of Spirion’s lineage and purpose. As always, we appreciate your assistance with local communication and support.